Why You Should Consider a Bridal Boudoir Session

Why You Should Consider a Bridal Boudoir Session

Your wedding day allows you to be the star of the show. From getting ready to walking down the aisle to family photos, you’ll be in front of the camera all day and will have plenty of images to look back on. But many brides don’t think about another opportunity to step in front of the camera: a boudoir session.

Putting on pretty lingerie and strutting your stuff may seem intimidating, but with the right attitude—and a boudoir photographer who can make it empowering and amazing--your session will be a great experience.

Feel empowered and gorgeous.

A boudoir shoot is a great way to increase your self-confidence before your wedding and to help you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. This is something we could all use more of every day, but during the stress and nerves of wedding planning, a little extra confidence can be just the boost you need.

Get more comfortable in front of the camera.

If your wedding photographer offers boudoir, scheduling a shoot is a great way to get more comfortable with them and with being the center of attention. Feeling more comfortable will lead to better images on your big day. After all, if you can rock it in lingerie, you can definitely handle shots of you in your wedding dress!

Have an excuse to go shopping.

In between scheduling the caterer, booking the venue, and everything else that comes with wedding planning, chances are you could use a break. What better way to spend some much-needed downtime than to go look for something sexy that will make you feel beautiful? Plus, you’re going to want some new pieces for your wedding night and honeymoon.

Capture a special moment in your life.

Getting married is an amazing time in your life, and a boudoir session is an awesome way to capture that moment and that feeling. Photographs are able to transport us back to a specific time and place and often bring back the emotions we felt that day. Boudoir photos can help you document a time when you felt your most beautiful.

Give your groom a unique gift.

The love of your life sees you at your best and your worst and still loves you and thinks you’re gorgeous. Imagine his reaction when you surprise him with an album of boudoir photos the morning of your wedding day! It’s a gift that will get you both excited for your wedding night and will make your day that much more special. It also exposes side of you that only the man or woman who knows will get to see, which makes it all the sexier!

Kelly Rehnberg of Cadenza Photo Imaging knows the session can be intimidating for her clients. She says, “Most everyone is nervous for their session and many clients have admitted to me that they almost turned around and drove away when arriving at my studio. It can be scary, but just know that I will guide you the whole way through. It’s a wonderful and fun experience that is just as much a gift to yourself as it is to your significant other.”

When you book a boudoir session, Cadenza offers clients a pre-session meeting to discuss wardrobe and make selections from her ever-growing client closet. During the initial meeting, she also discusses the level of airbrushing/ PhotoShopping clients prefer and any other questions or concerns. Throughout the actual session, Kelly coaches each client into the most flattering (and sexiest) poses. She’ll tell you how to pose, where to put your hands and feet, and what to do with your facial expression. Kelly has had rave reviews and past clients say they found the experience “easy and empowering.”

Bridal boudoir is more than a sexy photo shoot; it's an empowering, self-loving experience that will help you celebrate your beauty before the big day. Whether you're looking for something for your partner or just to cheer yourself up during prewedding jitters, this intimate photoshoot is perfect for any bride who wants to feel confident and beautiful on her wedding day!

**All boudoir images in this post provided by Cadenza Photo Imaging.

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