5 Reasons to Have a Photo Booth

5 Reasons to Have a Photo Booth

With cameras in almost every pocket these days, photos can sometimes seem almost commonplace. People snap images of every event they attend—every party, gathering, and dinner. So, between the professional photographer you’ve hired and your guests taking photos during the reception festivities, you may feel like a photo booth is redundant or unnecessary. Does anyone really want more photos?

You might be surprised! Photo booths are incredibly popular, not just at weddings, but at almost any type of event. A photo booth can serve as entertainment and memento, making it the perfect activity for guests at your wedding!

Keep your guests entertained

While your wedding day is all about you and your partner, it’s always a great idea to provide some entertainment for your guests. There will be downtime between the ceremony and the reception while you and your new spouse take photos with family and friends. A photo booth gives your guests something to do while they wait. And it helps avoid grumblings about the dinner delay.

Provides a memento to take home

Digital photos are not the same as printing fun little photo booth strips. Many couples and groups of friends would love the chance to capture all the fun they’re having at your wedding in a unique, impromptu photo.

Plus, many photo booths companies save a copy for the bride and groom too, so you’ll be able to see just how much everyone enjoyed your reception and have extra photos of your guests on top of your professional wedding photos.

No need to buy favors

You could spend hours putting together favors for each of your guests, or you could let them create their own favors with a photo booth. Of course, you’ll have your wedding photos, but chances are they won’t include every guest, and you won’t be able to provide them to everyone. A photo booth allows everyone to have their own personalized images in whatever groups they’d like, and they can take their photos home with them that day!

Bride and groom pose for the photo booth

Perfect for any age

Photo booths are fun for everyone from small children to grandparents! They give kids a chance to make faces, goof off, and get some energy out before the reception really gets started. Weddings aren’t always the best place for children to run around, but a photo booth allows them to have some fun.

Plus, a booth photo gives adults a chance to feel a little more like children and have fun as well. Who doesn’t love fun backgrounds and props? 

Both modern and classic

Chances are you have hundreds of photos on your phone, but how many printed photos do you have? A photo booth allows you and your guests to have fun images you can hang on your fridge or in your office at work. It’s a classic, charmingly old-fashioned concept with all the benefits and speed of instant digital photography.

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